Powercli: Vmware Lisans Bilgilerini Getirme

Eğer birden fazla sunucudaki lisanların expire date ve seri numarası bilgilsine ihtiyaç duyarsanız aşağıdaki script ile görüntüleyebilir ve CSV file olarak kayıt edebilirsiniz.

Connect-VIServer -Server vcenter.vmware.lab -User "administrator@vsphere.local" -Password "password"

$vSphereLicInfo = @()
$ServiceInstance = Get-View ServiceInstance
Foreach ($LicenseMan in Get-View ($ServiceInstance | Select -First 1).Content.LicenseManager) {
Foreach ($License in ($LicenseMan | Select -ExpandProperty Licenses)) {
$Details = "" |Select VC, Name, Key, Total, Used, ExpirationDate , Information
$Details.VC = ([Uri]$LicenseMan.Client.ServiceUrl).Host
$Details.Name= $License.Name
$Details.Key= $License.LicenseKey
$Details.Total= $License.Total
$Details.Used= $License.Used
$Details.Information= $License.Labels | Select -expand Value
$Details.ExpirationDate = $License.Properties | Where { $_.key -eq "expirationDate" } | Select -ExpandProperty Value
$vSphereLicInfo += $Details

$vSphereLicInfo | Format-Table -AutoSize
$vSphereLicInfo | Export-Csv -Path .\keyler2.csv -NoTypeInformation

notepad.exe .\keyler2.csv

Disconnect-VIServer -Server * -Confirm:$false

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