Upgrading to VMware vSphere 6.7 eBook

Nigel Hickey ve David Stamen tarafından yazılan ücretsiz Vsphere Uphrade yayınlandı. Aşağıdaki link üzerinden indirebilirisiniz.


Yükseltlme işlemlerini nasıl planlayabileceğinizi gösteren detaylarlar aşağıdaki gibidir.

Upgrading to VMware vSphere 6.7 eBook follows a 3 phase process to get you acquainted with how to plan and execute an upgrade to vSphere 6.7.

Phase 1: Pre-Upgrade – Information to use prior to upgrading. Links to resources that will assist in the planning of a successful upgrade.
Phase 2: Upgrade – Information on the correct process to upgrade and sample scenarios to guide you through the upgrade process.
Phase 3: Post-Upgrade – Information on day 2 operations once your upgrade is complete such as vCenter HA, Converge Tool and File-Based Backup and Restore.

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