Nigel Hickey ve David Stamen tarafından yazılan ücretsiz Vsphere Uphrade yayınlandı. Aşağıdaki link üzerinden indirebilirisiniz.
Yükseltlme işlemlerini nasıl planlayabileceğinizi gösteren detaylarlar aşağıdaki gibidir.
Upgrading to VMware vSphere 6.7 eBook follows a 3 phase process to get you acquainted with how to plan and execute an upgrade to vSphere 6.7.
Phase 1: Pre-Upgrade – Information to use prior to upgrading. Links to resources that will assist in the planning of a successful upgrade.
Phase 2: Upgrade – Information on the correct process to upgrade and sample scenarios to guide you through the upgrade process.
Phase 3: Post-Upgrade – Information on day 2 operations once your upgrade is complete such as vCenter HA, Converge Tool and File-Based Backup and Restore.